
TimeSheet Calculator

Calculation and printing of weekly hours


This table allows you to calculate your hours worked during a week. The dates and week number displayed are those of the current week. You can enter your hours daily, they are automatically saved.

The settings icon Choose day allows you to select the days you want to appear on your sheet. Add as many lines as needed to enter more time slots by clicking the '+' button.

For night work, you can enter a time range from, for example, 21:00 to 06:00.

To simplify the input, enter 2 digits per cell, the cursor automatically switches to the next one. (07 instead of 7 for example or 00).

A cell left empty corresponds to 00. Therefore, to add up time, simply use the 'End Time' column, a time slot from midnight to 6:30, for example, being equivalent to a time of 6:30.

If a line is not checked, the calculated time for this range is excluded from the total.

You can print your timesheetor or generate a PDF.

The normal mode is a table calculating your working hours of the day.

IMPORTANT - The total time centesimal (expressed in hours, hundredths) displayed is indeed the sum of the sexagesimal times (expressed in hours-minutes), then converted into centésimal time then rounded. That is why it can be different from the sum of the roundings of the centesimal times.


Normal mode Switch to normal mode Ehanced mode
Semaine précédente
Semaine suivante
Start time
End time (or duration)
Hours (10ths)
Choose day

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